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Basketball Freethrow
High Jump Challenge
Gaming tournaments-
We apply creative approaches that promote a sense of community within our business. By combining a free throw shot with any purchase, we provide our customers the opportunity to receive a discount ranging anywhere from 10-30% off!
Each month we throw up a free pair of shoes on a 10ft pole up for grabs for anybody who can jump high enough to reach it.
We do multiple kinds of video games tournaments, including Madden, NBA, and Call Of Duty. We hold a bracket competition with our customers, with an exclusive prize going to the winner.
Basketball Freethrow

By combining a free throw shot with any purchase, we provide our customers the opportunity to receive a discount ranging anywhere from 10-30% off!

High Jump Challenge

Each month we throw up a free pair of shoes on a 10ft pole up for grabs for anybody who can jump high enough to reach it.

Gaming Tournaments

Video game tournaments, including Madden, NBA, and Call Of Duty. We hold a bracket competition with our customers, with an exclusive prize going to the winner

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